Avoiding disease in the workspace

To secure the distance between colleagues in the workspace, we've manufactured a screen for use on workdesks in office environments.

The screen is produced in a 3mm glasse-like PET-plate, which makes you barely notice that there's a screen between you and and the person next to you. It is ready for use out-of-the-box, with detachable feet in brushed steel, along with screws for mounting in the drill holes.

The benefit of this solution is, that you're not putting up a screen where it feels as if you are closing yourself off from colleagues. With this model, you can still gaze throughout the workspace, and receive lighting if you're sitting in an open and well-lit environment.

This model is made in a 60x100 cm format, but can at any point in time be manufactured in other formats or shapes, if so desired.

Price per, at 1-10 units: 475 DKK
Price per, at 11-20 units: 435 DKK
Price per, at 21-30 units: 415 DKK
More than 30 units: Contact us for further information.

The screen can also be used in reception areas, so that guests of the company can be safely invited inside - in this case, an arch can be made at the bottom of screen, for exchanging guest passes, cards or papers. In the same case, a larger format can be considered, such as 90 x 100 cm.

The screen can also be used in meeting areas, where it can be placed on the table, so that you can complete your meeting with a customer or supplier, safe and sound.

Only the imagination sets the limit, since it can also be used in shops.
Or, in shorter terms: It can be used where there is a need for shielding between 2 people or more.

Should you desire individual printing on the screen, this can be accommodated for.

Should you have any questions or specific wishes, grab a hold of your usual contact at hl-repro or hl-print.

The above prices are excluding VAT, shipping and applicable environment taxes.

shielding, covid-19, at a distance, safe workspace, health, avoid disease

Reprovej 2-4, DK-8722 Hedensted
Tel. +45 7589 1911
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