• Hvad er din udfordring?


    Hos os er ingen opgave for stor eller for lille

How can we help you?

Let us take your packaging solution to an entirely new level.

How can we help you?

Let us take your packaging solution to an entirely new level.

How can we help you?

Let us take your packaging solutions to an entirely new level.

There's quite a few of us in the hl-family, but common to us all is...

We offer professional graphical solutions and qualified sparring regarding all types of graphical projects and products.

Our prints are of the highest quality, and is always delivered on some of the best materials on the market - with a green environment in mind!

At hl-print, no task is too big or too small

We will do everything we can for you and your company, and our professional team is always at the ready to take on new challenges head-on. We deliver nearly everything within the printing world, and no task is too big or too small. We can help you throughout the whole process - from idea, photo, printing, packaging, shipping, as well as possible mounting / setup in a shop - if you so desire.

Med forkærlighed for print og POS

We're a part of a graphical enterprise, which consists of 4 companies: the parent company hl-reprohl-photohl-dryoffset and us, hl-print.
At hl-print, we're always spearheading with the newest technologies and best production equipment.

See all of our newest posts here

Reprovej 2-4, DK-8722 Hedensted
Tel. +45 7589 1911
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